Our WHY is female empowerment, and it is at the core of everything we do. Our key focus is on empowering women to be financially independent through employment.

Our mission is to empower women to have choices to help build a life full of passion and purpose, whatever that may be. We are firm believers that employment is the key to financial independence, and financial independence provides freedom of choice.

Our initiatives and partnerships reflect this, from Suited To Success and The Encoreship, which is now in its third year of providing lifechanging placements for women reentering the workforce after an extended period of absence.


In 2023 we launched our industry leading paid parental leave program. This program contributes to closing the gap on inequality for women in the workplace, enabling and normalising taking time out to care for a child and supporting our parents through every stage of the journey.

 Every year we will take inspired action to continue to close this gap, as we continue to build on this legacy program. This year, after listening to our people and their needs, we will be introducing additional and separate leave entitlements for appointments associated with IVF and egg freezing. Empowerment is about giving people choices, and we believe this does just that. The evolution of the PPLP won’t stop here, so watch this space.

There is no doubt that the challenges faced by working women are complex, wide, and varied, but with the right support from employers, these challenges are infinitely more possible to overcome.

Our call to action? Employers, business owners, CEO’s, and business leaders. It is time to prioritise programs like this. It’s not only the right thing to do, it’s good business. 

Don't know where to start? Our doors are open. Reach out to PC@dissh.com.au and join our collective mission. 

“It has always been a dream of mine to build a business to a size where financially we could afford a best in class PPLP. I have seen too many close friends and family give up thriving careers due to the challenges of balancing family and work. I’m using my own firsthand experience to create a support framework that I know I would have greatly benefitted from.”

- DISSH Owner & Director, Lucy Henry-Hicks

Over 90% of the DISSH team identifies as a woman, and as a female led brand we’re proud to make headway as we strive towards equal opportunity for women in the workplace and beyond.

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A big part of our mission involves empowering women to build a life fuelled by passion and purpose. If you ask us, employment is the ticket to financial independence and the freedom of choice.

We’re proud to have been involved in pioneering a game changing employment program: The Encoreship. A three-month paid placement at DISSH, this initiative aims to get women facing difficulties re-entering the workforce back on their feet after being off the payroll for an extended period. Designed to upskill, build confidence, create connections, and set future career goals, it’s a second chance for many with life changing outcomes, returning women to the roles they deserve.

Only 32% of mothers feel confident enough to re-enter the workforce (Get Qualified, 2016), and only 59% of mature age women (55 – 65 years) keep at it, compared to 72% of mature age men (Australian Government Women’s Workforce Participation, 2020). To us, that’s unacceptable, and highlights the undeniable inequalities prevalent in the workplace. With initiatives like The Encoreship, we can bridge that gap.

Case in point? Our 2021 Encorer, Louise, put her career on hold for 9 years to focus on family, and the hiatus presented barriers when she went to re-enter the workforce. For Louise, The Encoreship proved to be a life changing placement.

“I truly feel The Encoreship is an outstanding program, having a real, significant, positive impact on its participants’ lives. I admire and respect the companies that have made the commitment to be part of the Program. I believe they are demonstrating leadership in genuinely supporting women in the workforce. For me, The Encoreship has been instrumental in moving forward my work journey.”

- 2021 Encorer, Louise.

Last year in 2023, we upped the ante by welcoming not one, but two women into the Program. Read their inspiring stories here and here.

We’re back and participating in The Encoreship for the fourth consecutive year.

Applications are now open. Take the leap, change your life. Apply to join our team here.

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DISSH is a proud partner of Suited To Success. Suited to Success is a not-for-profit community organisation that helps people overcome the barriers to employment. It has been an incredibly challenging time for the charity and the people they support. Our contributions help assist women in Australia become independent, by empowering them with the practical tools, support, and confidence they need for job seeking. As a business owned by and run by women, we are so passionate about supporting their work.

To date we have donated over $50,000 of stock that has supported their women’s fundraising events and their styling services. We also created and launched a 100% cotton tote bag with all profits donated to Suited To Success. To date we have donated $10,000 from these tote bags. The CEO of Suited to Success, Tamara Smith thanks you for your support and for "inspiring hope and self-belief for brighter futures."

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